Welcome to the family!
A journalist, a project manager, a radio DJ, and a music creator - that's us!
Putting up a school has always been a dream of ours. It was during a get together for our parents' anniversary (yes, we're siblings!) when we conceptualized our passion project, Communicat3. We realized that the school may take some time to put up, especially with the impact of the pandemic. But this does not stop from sharing our knowledge, talents, and work experiences in different countries, and have decided to set up Communicat3 using a digital platform. We recognize the importance of communications in our lives, and we understand a lot of us are still struggling in this aspect. We know because we have been there, and we are still learning! And this is what encourages us - learning from others, and promoting a collaborative learning environment. But what excites us the most is the support whenever we share our vision of having confident communicators contributing to nation-building, and we'd love for you to join us! Through our platform, we hope to see stronger relationships established as we communicate, communicate, communicate.
Anya, Carlo, James, and JS Sampan